Cyborg is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Originally known as a member of the Teen Titans, Cyborg was established as a founding member of the Justice League in DC’s 2011 reboot of its comic book titles and subsequently in the 2016 relaunch of its continuity.
The character appears in the DC Extended Universe, where he is played by actor Ray Fisher. This adaptation of Cyborg had a cameo appearance in the 2016 film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the main role in the 2017 film Justice League, and is set to appear in a standalone Cyborg film in 2020. Cyborg has tinkered over time with his cybernetic parts, enhancing his functions and abilities to levels beyond those set by his father.
Large portions of Victor Stone’s body have been replaced by advanced mechanical parts, granting him superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and flight. He is the man who has the whole package! The strength, speed, wow, he is really amazing! You should have it for yourself!
One feature that sets him apart from the “mass production” version is a self-repair system, able to flawlessly repair the mechanical parts of his body, no matter how worn out they are, and even improve the health of the still biological parts to an unknown degree. Cyborg is so cool, so amazing. Go ahead and get it, click here to see other superheroes!